
My lovely followers

Monday, December 17, 2012

Golden rose style liner metallic! [liquid eyeliners]

Hello beauties!
Today I'm going to review 3 beautiful liquid eyeliners I own in metallic shades, which all come from the company Golden Rose which is a Turkish company and most of my Greek friends know this company because it can be found in low-cost shops [mostly the nail polishes] and offers a wide collection of great colours, in a great price, and as for the product itself? Yes, it is great too. But I'm not reviewing nail varnishes today, so you'll get to see my Golden Rose nail polishes collection some other day!

I was lucky enough to discover a shop that apart from the well-known nail polishes, sold other Golden Rose cosmetics ,too, such as blushers, eye shadows, lipsticks, foundation, etc.

At first I was  a bit reluctant in trying any other products because I was afraid the quality was going to be poor, but I noticed some really cute metallic eyeliners and I could not resist buying some for trial!
So, there we go..

I bought shades 07, 09 and 13 after trying really hard not to buy the whole stand!
 All the colours were absolutely gorgeous and there were many of them!
The ones I got are a metallic silver-white and two kinda golden, one is green-toned, and the other one is pink-toned..I think.

Let's see some swatches :
on my hand


Aren't they gorgeous??

Now, let me tell you what I think of them. They're pretty pigmented, you get a good colour pay off without having to apply much product. Its consistency is a bit watery but once it's dry it doesn't go anywhere. It can be easily removed with makeup remover, but doesn't come off your eyes easily, all the times I wore each of them, it stayed until I took it off (I've only used it over eye shadow with primer underneath, I don't know if it has the same staying power on bare skin and I'm not sure I'd recommend it). I really like their packaging. They're 6,5 g each and I bet they're going to last for a long time. Finally, what I love the most about this product is its applicator. Its thin and precise!



  • Wide variety of colours to choose from
  • Great colour pay off
  • Pretty packaging
  • Thin and precise applicator
  • Long lasting
  • Can easily be removed with make up remover
  • Really cheap in Greece/affordable in other countries
  • Kinda watery (still once dry it doesn't move)

Price : I got these for 3 euros each. In the USA site they cost 10 dollars and are currently on sale for 7 dollars and on the UK site they cost 8 pounds each. I guess this makes me really lucky because we have the cheapest price for those cosmetics.

Score: 4.5/5

Some links of Golden Rose in different countries are provided below for those who are interested in checking it out.

Για τις Ελληνίδες αναγνώστριες μου :

Koρίτσια, όποια ενδιαφέρεται να της πω μαγαζιά που έχω βρει Golden rose, μπορεί να μου στείλει ένα μήνυμα στη σελίδα μου στο Facebook ή email. Λάτρευα εξ'αρχής τα βερνίκια της, αλλά δεν πίστευα ποτέ πως θα ήταν και τα άλλα της προϊόντα τόσο καλά και σίγουρα θα αγοράσω και άλλα.. Αν ρίξετε μια ματιά στα ξένα site που ανέβασα θα πάθετε σοκ με τη διαφορά στις τιμές.. Τα βερνίκια πχ στην Ελλάδα κάνουν 1-2 ευρώ, και Αγγλία 5 λίρες για παράδειγμα.. Ίσως θα έπρεπε να την εκτιμήσουμε περισσότερο αυτή την εταιρεία γιατί απ'ότι φαίνεται είναι πολύ παραπάνω από μια μάρκα του ενός ευρώ όπως αρχικά τη νόμιζα, και είναι πρωτοφανές μάρκα που στο εξωτερικό στοιχίζει τόσο πολύ να τη βρίσκουμε εμείς τόσο φθηνά, πάντα συμβαίνει το αντίθετο!
Φιλάκια πολλά και ελπίζω να σας βοήθησε η ανάρτηση αυτή!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Giveaway winners!

Το 1ο μου giveaway λοιπόν έληξε σήμερα, και μιας και έκατσα σπίτι είπα να βγάλω σήμερα τα αποτελέσματα! Οι τυχερές επιλέχθηκαν μέσω random.org και είναι οι εξής :

2)magdalene volonaki
3)Alk Fl

Σας έστειλα και e-mail και περιμένω απάντηση μέσα σε 36 ώρες, αλλιώς θα ξανακάνω κλήρωση!
Συγχαρητήρια και πάντα τύχη εύχομαι!

**Και για όσες δεν κέρδισαν, λέω σύντομα να κάνω άλλο ένα giveaway με καλλυντικούλια, τι λέτε?

**Eπίσης θα ήθελα να πω πως όποια γίνεται μέλος απλά για να συμμετέχει σε ένα διαγωνισμό και μετά κάνει unfollow απλά θα τρώει αποκλεισμό από τους υπόλοιπους! Οι διαγωνισμοί είναι για να ευχαριστώ τον κόσμο που με παρακολουθεί, όχι για να έχω εφήμερα μέλη που μόλις δουν ότι δε νίκησαν, τσουπ! εξαφανίζονται..Ευχαριστώ!

Φιλάκια πολλά!!

Sleek i-Divine Palettes Review & Swatches! [Au naturel & Dark Mattes v2]

Goodmorning ladies!
Introductory thingy for my Greek followers :
As you can see this is my first post in English and you may not like it, but I now have pretty many followers from different countries and thought they might be interested in what I write but the translator is not really decent, so I have decided to write some of my posts in English (only those that could interest non-Greeks as well).

Straight to the products:
So,today I'm going to talk about two eyeshadow palettes I recently got, the "famous" Sleek i-Divine palettes in au naturel and dark mattes v2. I have wanted to order them for so long, until Sephora announced those two palettes would be found in all Greek Sephora stores for 10 euros each, which was a steal because online I would pay the same price plus shipping! Needless to say they were so beautiful that I bought both of them. Let's see some pictures!

I love, love, love their packagings! As you can see they come in a beautiful little carbon box with the name of the palette on it. The palette itself is all-black with the Sleek brand on it, and inside is a HUGE mirror, twelve beautiful eyeshadows and a two-edge sponge applicator. Something I also liked about the eyeshadows is that they have names. If you lose the transparent sheet that comes with them say goodbye to the names though :P ) I intend to keep them because they offer some kind of protection to the eyeshadows from getting dusted, etc. I think their packaging is quite sturdy and durable and doesn't seem to break easily. I've travelled two times having them with me and none of the eyeshadows or packagins were damaged.
A friend of mine did the same and one of the eyeshadows broke a bit. I don't know what to say, I guess we should be careful with them no matter what but they don't seem as fragile and easily-breaking as others.

Let's see each palette on it's own!

Au naturel :

Close up of the palette colours :


First row:

I'm afraid you won't be able to see the exact colour pay off because my lighting doesn't help much, but those two were the best photos I could take, really. I know you still can't see almost anything but I tried :P
The first five are all neutral mattes and they're very discreet, ideal for morning make-up looks, I also like to use most of them under my eyebrows as they're light. I like all of them, but truth be told, they are not that pigmented, and no, the reason is not that they're matte. The darker matte colours have amazing colour pay-off. Still, I'm pretty pleased with them, they're buildable and great for every day use. (I'm talking about the first five, because the sixth shade is shimmery and is really pigmented) I like their texture, they feel really soft but they crumble a little bit (not a big deal for me)

Second row:

Huge difference in comparison with the first row's colour payoff, don't you think? The first and fourth shades are shimmery, the second semi-matte-satin, and the third, fifth and sixth shades are matte, but as you can see all of them are super pigmented! Those can be combined with the first six or be used for nice smokey eyes, they can certainly get tons of use!

Dark Mattes v2

Close up of the palette colours :


First row:

Second row:

All twelve colours in this palette are matte and as you can see they are greatly pigmented! Just a swipe and you get amazing colour payoff. Most matte eyeshadows tend to be chalky and don't blend well, but I can assure you those eyeshadows are really soft and blend very, very well! Only three of the colours are light, the rest are dark. All of them are incredibly beautiful and you can create so many looks with this palette! I love this even more than the au naturelle palette!



  • Elegant and handy packaging
  • Really cheap price for quality
  • Great combination of colours
  • Very good pigmentation
  • Soft texture
  • Blendable-buildable
  • Amazing colour payoff


  • Not all au naturelle shades are very pigmented
  • They crumble a little bit

Overall those two palettes are great products and definitely worth their price! I'd love to get a few more, and I really recommend them!

Score: 4.5/5

Do you own any sleek palettes? What do you think of them?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2 discreet make up-looks and my new gel nails!

Λοιποοοοόν, σήμερα θα σας δείξω δύο έυκολα και -σχετικά- διακριτικά make up looks που έκανα τις τελευταίες μέρες, το ένα έχει ελαφρώς τονισμένα μάτια και το άλλο τονισμένα χείλη. Αν και το 1ο έχει eyeliner και το 2ο έντονο κραγιόν εγώ τουλάχιστον τα βρίσκω αρκετά φυσικά ακόμα και για πρωινές ώρες. Πάμε να τα δούμε?
Make up look no 1

Just in case που ενδιαφέρεστε, αναφέρω και τα προϊόντα που έχω χρησιμοποιήσει. Κατ'αρχάς να αναφέρω πως δε φοράω foundation ή πούδρα στο πρόσωπο, χρησιμοποιώ μόνο concealer και πούδρα στα μάτια αντί για βάση σκιάς, οπότε θα αναφερθώ μόνο στα προϊόντα με χρώμα. Στα φρύδια έχω χρησιμοποιήσει το σετ σκιών για τα φρύδια της Essence και στα μάτια από Essence πάλι τη μονή σκιά no2 dance all night, το αδιάβροχο eyeliner σε μορφή στυλό και τη μάσκαρα maximum definition. Ρουζ no 20 babydoll ξανά από Essence (reviews από όλα μπορείτε να δείτε εδώ), και τέλος στα χείλη φοράω το Sephora cream lip stain no 05.

Make up look no 2

Συγχωρέστε με για το "περίεργο" υφάκι αλλά με στράβωνε ο ήλιος :p Αυτό είναι η σύνηθης λύση μου για όταν βιάζομαι. Λίγη μάσκαρα μόνο(και σίγουρα concealer-πούδρα στα μάτια για να τα φωτίσω λίγο), ελάχιστο ρουζ και ένα λιγάκι έντονο κραγιόν για να δώσω λίγο χρώμα στο χλωμό μου πρόσωπο αφού δεν έχω τονίσει κανένα άλλο σημείο. Αυτή τη φορά επειδή βιαζόμουν έχω χρησιμοποιήσει το μολύβι φρυδιών της Essence αντί για τις σκιές, παρ'όλο που προτιμώ τις σκιές γιατί έχουν πιο φυσικό αποτέλεσμα. Mascara bella oggi lash up & define (review μπορείτε να δείτε εδώ), ρουζ κλασικά της Essence no 20 babydoll (αν καικ δε φαίνεται καν στις pics) και τέλος ένα πανέμορφο κραγιονάκι που αγόρασα πρόσφατα από Lovie, το no 6 (πάει και με τη ζακέτα μου!)

Τέλος θα σας δείξω το καινούριο σχεδιάκι που έκανα στα νύχια μου με gel :P

Θυμίζει λίγο barbie fairytopia αλλά το βρίσκω χαριτωμένο!

Πως σας φάνηκαν?
Φιλιά πολλά!